Trail Conditions
Grooming Report
For mobile users, scroll down for latest grooming report.
Everyone, please note the stop signs at private driveways and avoid spinning your tracks in a manner that will throw snow into these driveways. Residents of the area will greatly appreciate your assistance in keeping these driveways clear. Please be an excellent ambassador of your sport! Safe riding.
March 25, 2023 - The last 2 days have been warm and the snow is beginning to melt. The trails still have a good base on them - for now. Reminder the season ends on Friday, March 31st as the trails are closed on April 1st. It has been a great winter here in Finland!
March 23, 2023 - Yesterday, a group of us rode the Moose Run, Camp / Baptism from the state trail to Finland, the Hockaman, the Moose Walk past the overlook to the Moose Run and the Timberwolf and all trails were in great shape. The Tomahawk was rough to the Trestle Inn from the Timberwolf, but the State trail back to Finland was great too. Happy riding!.
March 22, 2023 - 5 and 1/2 inches of new wet heavy snow overnight. All our trails were freshly groomed within 48 hours of the snow. I am headed out to test the trails soon!
March 17. 2023 - Finland over came the storm starting as light rain and we received just over 4 inches of snow as measured at my house. Trails should be in great shape for the St. Urho's week festivities. Hope everyone has a great riding weekend!
March 16, 2023 - I was able to ride the Timberwolf, Hockaman, Moose Run and the Tomahawk from the Timberwolf to the Trestle Inn yesterday. The trails were in good shape.
This morning brought light rain which has now turned to snow. Hope to groom the Hockaman, Camp and Moose Run tomorrow night or early Saturday morning. Weather will dictate our strategy.
March 13, 2023 - We received over a foot of new snow Saturday into Sunday with more expected on Thursday into Friday. The March Sun is getting powerful, but the endo of the season riding appears to be excellent.
March 10, 2023 - The trails are still in great shape. The north shore is predicted to get 7-15 inches of snow tomorrow into Sunday according to the Northern New Now forecast with slightly lesser amounts farther away from the shore. Only 3 of weeks left before the trails close on April 1st or the warm weather shuts them down.
6 of us left Finland and rode up to the Gunflint Lodge on Wednesday returning on Thursday. The trails were excellent thanks to the state and all the clubs who have been hard at work this year grooming.
Time was spent today, March 4, 2023, putting up new signs and repairing some old ones on the Timberwolf Trail.

March 28, 2023 - This could be my last grooming report for the season. The Timberwolf trail, Moose Run, Baptism and Camp will be groomed today. I hope all of you had a great riding season and I am looking forward to next year! We will be changing to ATV season soon! :)
March 26, 2023 - The Eckbeck, Hockaman, Camp, Baptism and Moose Run trails were groomed this morning. Enjoy!
March 25, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp, Baptism and Moose Run were all groomed this morning. Enjoy!
March 21, 2023 - The Timberwolf, Moose Run, Baptism and Camp Trails were groomed yesterday. The Hockaman, Eckbeck and Lax Lake trails were groomed this morning. All trails are ready for tonight's snowfall!
March 19, 2023 - The Hockaman, Eckbeck, Camp, Baptism from the Camp to the State trail and the Moose Run were groomed this morning. It was evident that many rode our trails yesterday with the many moguls formed in the last 24 hours. Enjoyed meeting some enthusiastic riders this morning while grooming. See our new galley page. If you have some fun pictures, send them to me using the "Contact" page.
March 18, 2023 - The Hockaman, camp and Baptism trails were groomed Friday morning and were well used Friday.
The Hockaman, Camp, Baptism and Moose Run were groomed this morning.
March 17, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp and Moose Run are expected to be groomed late tonight or early tomorrow morning. The season is quickly winding down.
March 13, 2023, Timberwolf, Moose Run, Hockaman, Camp and Eckbeck are expected to be groomed today.
March 10, 2023 - Good morning all! Sorry for the delay in the report, but I was on a 2 day snowmobile trip and failed to pack my computer. The Timberwolf trail was groomed on Tuesday, March 7. 2-23, the Lax Lake trail and Hockaman trails were groomed on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Hockaman trail, Camp Trail and the Moose Run Trails are planned to be groomed either tonight or tomorrow morning.
March 6, 2023 - Due to the warmer temperatures and less than ideal grooming conditions, grooming the Timberwolf trail was put off until tomorrow. The club took advantage of the warm weather and did some maintenance on the groomer. It is ready to see us to the end of the season.
March 5, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp and Eckbeck trails were groomed this morning. Moose Run and the Timberwolf are planned to be groomed tomorrow.
March 4, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp and Moose Run were groomed last evening. Plans to groom them again on March 5, 2023 / Sunday morning and the Timberwolf on Monday. Safe Riding.
February 28, 2023 - The Timberwolf, Moose Run and Camp trails were groomed yesterday. The Hockaman and Eckbeck trails were groomed this morning. Happy riding!
February 26, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp and Moose Run were groomed this morning. The Groomer was left at the Wildhurst Lodge and Campground for the Monday morning trek up the Timberwolf to the Tomahawk. Hope everyone had a great riding weekend!
February 25, 2023 - The Hockaman, Camp and the Moose Run were groomed this morning. The trails are in great shape.
The Hockaman, Camp, Eckbeck, Lax Lake and the Baptism trails were groomed on February 22, 2023.
The Timberwolf is planned to be groomed on Monday February 27, 2023.